Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hunter sent this to his 2 math teachers tonight. Surprisingly, we have friends in town visiting and he took time out of their playing. I wonder what was going through his mind.....

Hi mrs Bowie and mrs Burnham, I hope that I'll pass my quiz tomorrow
and I'll miss you both in high school thanks for all you've done for

You are welcome Hunter. I will miss you too. I think you will pass your quiz tomorrow. I have seen such a big improvement in you in math don't even know!

Shelley Burnham

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In the Genes

After 3 visits to the oral surgeon my root canal is finally done. According to the os/dentist, this one canal was "difficult," "stubborn" and a "bear". Now I am aware that at times I have a "difficult" and "stubborn" personality but now I know that it is truly in the "genes" since I don't have any control over the formation of my teeth!! I have to go back in 3 months for him to do an x-ray "at his cost" to make sure it looks ok and in my opinion "look at his handiwork"………hummmmm

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hunter's Girlfriend and 8th grade picture

Hunter now has a girlfriend, named Kristen. They have been "dating" since March 1st. What a nice birthday present. I am not quite sure what "dating" means now days since they have assigned seats during lunch so recess is their only time together. They are in Social Studies and Science together…this might explain why his grades have fallen in these classes!! They do text and that is about it.

I loved it when she sent a text and he gave a big sigh and said, "she is interupting my game". Anyone that has seen or heard Hunter talk about WOW, we can't interupt...this is a big deal!!!! So he isn't totally into girls, yet!! We will see how long this lasts but already longer than I expected!!!

Here is Hunter's 8th grade spring picture. We just received it earlier this week. He is 15 years old.

Dog Allergies

As I sit here writing about spring, I am watching Donovan scratch. As much as we like the nice weather with everything blooming it brings out the allergies. Most everyone understands allergies and prays for things to finish blooming for relief. Then we have Donovan……

When we decided to get a dog, I never could have imagined the road we would travel with this guy. Thank goodness we fell in love with him or we might have given him away.

I have always said I thought Donovan was allergic to grass….after several years of skin infections, non-stop scratching we decided to do allergy testing. Yes, Donovan is not only allergic to several types of grass, trees, cotton, dust mites and foods including: chicken, carrots, potatoes, wheat, barley and soybeans. There is more to the list but it would mean more to the vets than it does to us. We are just treating the main allergens.

Donovan now gets 2 shots a month which is much easier and cheaper than what we were doing trying to clear up the skin infections. Of course, we didn't have any idea that every time he ate he was eating most of the foods that he was allergic to!!

Now when he goes outside we have to wipe his feet off or else he licks them and they get infected!! Bath's every two weeks and once a week is even better!!!! We have to wash the beds every few days (I do keep sheets on them so it is easier to wash than the actual beds. Finding a food that he could eat has been a real challenge. We had some prescription food but at $90 for a 35 lb. bag, we decided to find something else!! No store bought treats….other than pigs ears (limited or upset stomachs)!!!

All I can say is, if your dog has an accident or does something you don't care for….just think of us!!! :) However, we wouldn't get rid of him for anything!!!!

Spring has arrived

It looks like spring has arrived in Atlanta. It has been in the 60's and 70's for quite a few weeks. Our dogs received their summer haircuts two weeks ago and of course, then we had a short cold spell. They had to pile on the bed with us at night to keep warm.

It has been in the 80's here this weekend. Everyone is starting to wear shorts, trees and flowers are blooming, the grass smells great and then I sneeze. Allergy season is here, as well! :( James had to mow the yard yesterday but it was needed a few weeks ago and it needs to be done again to even it up and put down the ant kill.

The nice thing about spring is SPRING BREAK!!! We are looking forward to our friends, Beth and Bailey coming to visit later this week. We haven't seen them since we went to the beach last July. We have no plans other than hanging out and enjoying our time together!

Hunter's spring break is the week of Easter and VERY LATE this year. It is nice for us is since:
1. The CRCT is done and out of the way
2. no one is on break at our time so going anywhere is nice as there aren't any crowds

Of course, the down side is for the parents that work…kids are home alone!!! It works ok for the first 2 or 3 days then the real boredom sets in and usually trouble. I usually try to take a few days off so Hunter can have a friend over or we can do something fun, preferable both.


Mardi Gras is over and Lent has arrived and the NO MEAT on Friday's. As for the no meat, this year seems to be more difficult. In the earlier years of school, there was always a choice of fish, peanut butter and jelly and/or cheese sandwiches as options. However, this year it's not the case. When I asked Hunter what he had for lunch, he said an "apple and milk". They were out of pb&j and there weren't any other non-meat choices. I am glad that he thought enough to honor our beliefs but I wasn't thrilled that he didn't have enough to eat. It didn't seem to be a problem this week so we will see.

It is a fun time of year and memories. On Friday as we drove to Dalton Hunter said "I am looking for our greasy fish"!! This is what I have always called Captain D's and Long John Silver. However, the last year or two Hunter has started eating popcorn shrimp. I am not sure that the popcorn shrimp is anymore healthy but it all tastes good a few weeks out of the year. I don't think we eat at these restaurants of the year!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Our trip to Fort Polk, Louisianna

We are finally back from our trip to Fort Polk, Louisiana for Jeff's company retirement party.  The drive out seemed to pass very quickly. The first day we drove 10 of the 13 hours instead of 6 or 7 as we had planned.

We arrived on Friday while Jeff was at work. We were able to catch up some with Lisa and finally meet her daughter, Amber and her friend, Ashley. Ashley is living with them and attending culinary school while Amber is going to cosmotology school.

Jeff finally arrived, he came in from a different way than we did so he saw our car but figured it was one of the kids friends. When he came in he saw Pop and Hunter. I heard "Holy crap, what are you doing here"? That made the last 6 weeks of secrecy totally worth it. I am not good with secrets, I had to watch what I posted on Facebook, what was said on emails and the phone. Not to mention 13 hours of driving and I couldn't even amuse myself with updates as Jeff might see them!!!

Lisa, Amber and Ashley like to cook. When we arrived they were making camouflage cupcakes for the party, then we had brats and peppers for lunch, pancakes one morning-chocolate chip, blueberry and plan in addition to a "low boil". We had never had a low boil which was very good!!!! All I can say is thank goodness they like to cook. By the end of the weekend, I was overwhelmed by the amount of cooking and cleaning. I really don't understand how it is enjoyable or relaxing!!! However, I haven't figured out how to pass on eating everything. If I could do that I would be so much better off!!!!

Jeff took the boys (Hunter, Pop and James) on a driving tour of the base. Hunter was totally enthralled with the hummers. He even asked "can we put a gun on top"? We have another generation of military growing up but he hasn't decided which branch of the service would be best.

We did watch the Brigade retirement video. It was ok but the best part was Amber and Ashley's running commentary of what all was really going on… a military wive with pink hair, daughter's dressed in goth clothing, a child being sick in the middle of the ceremony, Ashley being hit on during the ceremony while moving onto Amber's lap to escape. Sometimes editing is not as exciting as the real thing. I was laughing so hard I was crying!!!

Saturday night we had to be at the Catfish Hut for the Company retirement party. This was the party with all the people that Jeff works with everyday. Thanks so much to 1st SGT Jack (I don't even know his last name) but he planned the whole thing. Of course, when I put my purse down I didn't know I was sitting across from 1st SGT Jack and Commander Napier. 1st SGT Jack will be the next to retire sometime next year and Captain Napier looks like he is still in his late 20's!!! No wonder they call Jeff "Grandpa"!!!!

Jeff retires on April 1st but his "official" retirement date isn't until July 1st. What a way to spend your accumulated vacation days....I just haven't figured out how to save my days. We hope that after retirement they will move back to Georgia or somewhere closer to Georgia but no plans have been made as of right now.

Company Retirement Party